Winning Spirit Magazine March-April 2020 | Page 5

2020 Events Calendar Due to ongoing COVID-19 concerns and guidelines, times and locations are subject to change. Some events may also be held online/virtually. MARCH 1 LHM Dependent Scholarship Deadline for Summer Semester WWW.LHM.COM/SCHOLARSHIP/ 10–11 LHM Institute for General Manager Development (IGMD) (Postponed) SANDY, UTAH 16–18 LHM Used Car Manager Conference (Postponed) TALKING STICK RESORT, ARIZONA APRIL 14–15 LHM Institute for General Manager Development (IGMD) (Postponed) SANDY, UTAH 15–18 LHM Society of Excellence (Postponed) GRAND HYATT, SEATTLE 21–22 LHM Executive Fixed Business Academy, Class of 2019–20 (Postponed) SANDY, UTAH 24 MAY NBA All-Stars 1 4–6 E “After seven years, to be able to get to my first All-Star Game means a lot.” Rudy Gobert Who We Are Group-Wide Broadcast Larry H. Miller Fixed Operations Annual Conference (Postponed) SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA A Pair of Jazz Players Live Their Dream ven Utah Jazz players Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell were starstruck as fi rst-time selections for the NBA All-Star Weekend. “I’m not Donovan Mitchell from the Utah Jazz right now; I’m Donovan Mitchell, 13-year- old,” he said as he spoke with reporters the day before making his All-Star debut. “I’m going to keep having those moments because everybody doesn’t get to do this. Th ere are only, what, 24 of us?” Rudy and Donovan were all smiles in Chicago, whether participating in an NBA2K event, helping out a local food pantry and LHM Annual Day of Service (Postponed) 12 basketball clinic, chatting with NBA legends, sitting courtside at the league’s celebrity game, or working on TNT’s broadcast of the Rising Stars Challenge. “It’s amazing,” Rudy said. “I’m very excited to be here, very excited to represent my team with Donovan, and represent my country. Aft er seven years, to be able to get to my fi rst All-Star Game means a lot.” Rudy and Donovan played together for Team Giannis, which dropped a tense 157-155 decision to Team LeBron. Rudy put on a show in his fi rst All-Star Game, fi nishing with 21 points, 11 rebounds, and two assists. Donovan acquitted himself well on the court, too, totaling seven points, fi ve rebounds, and four assists. “For me and Rudy to get here and put on for Utah is really special,” Donovan said. “We’re overlooked in a lot of things, so for us to be out here and make a name for ourselves is pretty cool.” ◆ LHM Institute for General Manager Development (IGMD), Graduation (Postponed) SANDY, UTAH 18–22 F&I Apprentice Training 21–25 LHM 1000 Used Car Sales Event UTAH, COLORADO, NEW MEXICO JUNE 10–13 LHM 1000 Used Car Sales Event IDAHO 7–8 Ninth Annual Larry H. Miller Dealerships Golf Classic HIDDEN VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB, SANDY, UT 9–10 Larry H. Miller Dealerships Leadership Conference SANDY, UTAH At the time of publication, professional sports seasons were on hold due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Please check team websites for current information. 3