LHM Volkswagen Tucson employees gathered around to proudly present a donation to Bald
Beauties Project to further its mission in helping teens facing cancer look and feel their best.
LHM Charities
Donations for
January, February,
and March 2020
U.S. Vets – Phoenix
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Phoenix
WHAM Art Association
Bald Beauties Project
Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS)
Helen’s Hope Chest
New Life Center
Save the Family of Arizona
Denver Dumb Friends League
Junior Achievement of Idaho
Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)
Shelter the Homeless
Utah Assoc. for the Edu. of Young Children
Five.12 Foundation
NeighborWorks Salt Lake
Kane Education Foundation
Autism Council of Utah
Summit Land Conservancy
Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis
LHM Winning Spirit March/April 2020
Your “Give Us 5”
Donations at Work
A Glance at LHM Charities at Work in January, February, and March
arry H. Miller (LHM) Charities donates
toward 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations
that focus on assisting women and children
who live in the communities where LHM Group
companies are based. Emphasis is placed on
funding programs that address the issues of
health and education. More than $150,000 has
been contributed in recent months.
In Arizona, a grant to Bald Beauties Project in
Tucson is helping teens facing cancer. Donations
granted in Phoenix are feeding the hungry at St.
Vincent de Paul and providing mental health
services to female veterans via U.S. Vets –
Phoenix. Youth transitioning out of foster care
are receiving support services from Helen’s Hope
Chest, and homeless children are benefiting from
early childhood development programs provided
by Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS).
Funding is also aiding domestic violence victims
at New Life Center and supporting a Save the
Family Arizona program that teaches homeless
families how to overcome poverty.
A grant to Denver Dumb Friends League is
assisting a bullying prevention program that uses
animals to teach Colorado students compassion
and respect. A donation to Junior Achievement
Idaho is educating Boise students about financial
literacy and entrepreneurship, while funding
contributed to MDA is helping Idaho kids with
muscular dystrophy attend summer camp.
In Utah, a contribution to the Boys & Girls
Clubs of Weber-Davis is supporting an after-
school program at Odyssey Elementary School,
where 100 percent of students qualify for free
lunch and 41 percent are learning to speak
English. A donation to Five.12 Foundation
is providing hungry children with food on
weekends, and funding given to NeighborWorks
Salt Lake is enabling at-risk youth to access
employment and life skills training. Summit
Land Conservancy received a grant for its Kids
Outdoors program, which helps underprivileged
children get outside and connect with nature.
Support was also provided to the Utah
Association for the Education of Young Children
and the Kane Education Foundation.
Employee donations to LHM Charities play a
vital role in enriching the communities where we
work and live. Through your support of Give Us
Five, you are making a difference. ◆