The second annual Who We Are group-wide broadcast took place on February
19, 2016, live from the Megaplex Theatres at Jordan Commons. The presentation,
emceed by Bryan Miller, and including remarks by Gail Miller and CEO Clark
Whitworth, was viewed by nearly 7,000 employees who gathered at theaters,
dealerships, conference rooms and from off-ste locations. Part of the reason
for holding the group-wide event was explained by Bryan when he said, “We’ve
created this presentation to help you better understand just how special and
unique this group of companies is, and how important your role in it is.”
Enriching lives, the company’s mission, was a central focus of the messages
delivered. The presentation also reinforced the understanding that there is a
real family behind the business—a family that is involved and that cares—and
the changes in the leadership structure ensure that the principles set forth by its
founders will remain a part of the company’s future.
“When Larry and I bought our first dealership nearly 37 years ago,” said Gail Miller,
“we could not have imagined the kind of success and growth we have reached
today. None of this could have happened without you, our employees, and the
great work you do every day.”
The presentation also included four new videos as part of the live broadcast. The
first video introduced the Group to the new board of directors and the Miller
family’s role in the board and company leadership. The Year in Review video
was a tribute to the employees and all of the amazing accomplishments of 2015.
Clark Whitworth explained the
company’s commitment to Larry’s
desire to “continue to do things that
make a difference” by showing a
video wherein each of the company
presidents expressed their clear
vision of the Group’s potential. The
final video focused on employees
and companies within the Group that
illustrated a few of the ways that the
organization enriches lives.
Bryan concluded the presentation by
Employees were encouraged to make
inviting every employee to commit
and share enrichment goals.
to enriching lives in 2016 and writing
specific plans on commitment cards
handed out at the conclusion of the broadcast. Employees were encouraged to fill
out their cards and email a photo of it to [email protected].
Click here to watch the
Who We Are video
The 2016 Who We Are presentation
featured four new videos, including the
2015 Year in Review and an introduction to
the new board of directors.
Larry H. and Gail Miller
Jack Sanford
Jamie Harris
Sara Waldman
Karol Elkington
Brent Asay
Carisa Miller
Frank Zang
Dana Reid
WINNING SPIRIT MAGAZINE is the official communication
tool of the Larry H. Miller Group. Its purpose is to
document important events and milestones, as well
as share the successes and achievements of our
employees as they exemplify the mission, vision,
values and guiding principles of the company.
Please address your comments, questions and
article suggestions to WINNING SPIRIT MAGAZINE, c/o
Miller Management Corporation, 9350 South 150
East, Suite 1000, Sandy, Utah 84070. You may also
contact us via e-mail at [email protected]. We
welcome submissions, photographs and stories that
capture the essence and fun of working for the Larry
H. Miller Group of Companies.
Look for these icons for more
content in the mobile/digital
issue: www.LHMWSM.com