Winning Spirit Magazine January - February 2013 January - February 2013 | Page 7

RSDAY, DECEMBER 13TH, THE LARRY H. MILLER DEALERSHIPS HEIR GROUP-WIDE KICKOFF OF THE CLOSEOUT COUNTDOWN T JORDAN COMMONS. THE EVENT WAS BROADCAST LIVE TO ALL LERSHIPS IN SEVEN DIFFERENT STATES. AS PART OF THE KICK- LES EMPLOYEES WERE RECOGNIZED FOR THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS NTRIBUTIONS TO THE LARRY H. MILLER ORGANIZATION IN 2012. tured with Dean Fitzpatrick, iller, achieved the 225 unit ,000 bonus check. Wayne Emery of HON, pictured with Dean Fitzpatrick, Scott Harding and Greg Miller, achieved the 225 unit sales level and receives his $10,000 bonus check. ith Dean Fitzpatrick, Cory eved the 225 unit sales 0 bonus check. Sean Carson of PCH, pictured with Dean Fitzpatrick, Rod Rowley and Greg Miller, achieved the 225 unit sales level and receives his $10,000 bonus check. d with Dean Fitzpatrick, er, achieved the 225 unit $10,000 bonus check. Thomas Needham of BCD achieved the 225 unit sales level and a $10,000 bonus check. ed the 225 unit sales level . Paul Montano of SFO, pictured with Dean Fitzpatrick, Tony Schnurr and Greg Miller, achieved the 200 unit sales level and receives his $5,000 bonus check.