Wings of fire - Sir APJ ABDUL KALAM Wings of fire | Page 138

centres and 41 production centres spread over public sector undertakings , ordnance factories , private industries , and professional societies , hand-in hand with a well-knit bureaucratic structure in the Government . In the management of the Programme , as much as in the technological inputs , we attempted to develop a model that was appropriate , even tailor-made , for our very specific needs and capabilities . We borrowed ideas that had been developed elsewhere , but adapted them in the light of what we knew were our strengths and what we recognized as the constraints we would be compelled to work under . All in all , the combination of appropriate management and our cooperative endeavours helped to unearth the talent and potential that lay unused in our research laboratories , government institutions and private industries .
The Technology Management philosophy of IGMDP is not exclusive to missile development . It represents the national urge to succeed and an awareness that the world will never again be directed by muscle or money power . In fact , both these powers will depend on technological excellence . Technology respects only technology . And , as I said in the beginning , technology , unlike science , is a group activity . It does not grow only through individual intelligence , but by intelligences interacting and ceaselessly individual intelligence , but by intelligences interacting and ceaselessly strong Indian family which also makes missile systems .
There has been much speculation and philosophizing about the life and times of our scientists , but not enough exploration in determining where they wanted to go and how they reached there . In sharing with you the story of my struggle to become a person , I have perhaps given you some insight into this journey . I hope it will help at least a few young people to stand up to the authoritarianism in our society . A characteristic feature of this social authoritarianism is its insidious ability to addict people to the endless pursuit of external rewards , wealth , prestige , position , promotion , approval of one ’ s lifestyle by others , ceremonial honours , and status symbols of all kinds .
To successfully pursue these goals , they have to learn elaborate rules of etiquette and familiarize themselves with customs , traditions , protocols and so on . The youth of today must unlearn this self-defeating way of life . The culture of working only for material possessions and rewards must be discarded . When I see wealthy , powerful and learned people struggling to be at peace with themselves , I remember people like Ahmed Jallaluddin and Iyadurai Solomon . How happy they were with virtually no possessions !
On the coast of Coromandel Where the earthy shells blow , In the middle of the sands Lived some really rich souls . One cotton lungi and half a candle – One old jug without a handle These were all the worldly possessions Of these kings in the middle of the sands .
How did they feel so secure without anything to fall back upon ? I believe they drew sustenance from within . They relied more on the inner signals and less on the external cues that I have mentioned above . Are you aware of your inner signals ? Do you trust them ? Have you taken control over your life into your own hands ? Take this from me , the more decisions you can make avoiding external pressures , which will constantly try to manipulate you , the better your life will be , the better your society will become . Infact the