Wings of fire - Sir APJ ABDUL KALAM Wings of fire | Page 129

advanced systems . But the urge to succeed existed , which resulted in a very effective joint effort . The Semi Conductor Complex at Chandigarh developed the Charge Coupled Devices ( CCD ) array . The Solid Physics Laboratory , Delhi , made the matching Mercury Cadmium Telluride ( MCT ) detectors . The Defence Science Centre ( DSC ), Delhi , put together an indigenous cooling system based on the Joules Thomson effect . The transmitter receiver front end was devised at the Defence Electronics Application Laboratory ( DEAL ), Dehra Dun .
The special gallium arsenide gun , schottky barrier mixer diodes , compact comparator for antenna system — India was banned from buying any one of these high technology devices , but innovation cannot be suppressed by international restrictions .
I went to Madurai Kamaraj University the same month to deliver their convocation address . When I reached Madurai , I asked after my high school teacher Iyadurai Solomon , who was by now a Reverend and eighty years old . I was told that he lived in a suburb of Madurai , so I took a taxi and looked for his house . Rev . Solomon knew that I was going to give the convocation address that day . However , he had no way of getting there . There was a touching reunion between teacher and pupil . Dr PC Alexander , the Governor of Tamil Nadu , who was presiding over the function , was deeply moved on seeing the elderly teacher who had not forgotten his pupil of long ago , and requested him to share the dais .
“ Every convocation day of every University is like opening the floodgates of energy which , once harnessed by institutions , organ-izations and industry , aids in nationbuilding ,” I told the young graduates . Somehow I felt I was echoing Rev . Solomon ’ s words , spoken about half a century ago . After my lecture , I bowed down before my teacher . “ Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended ,” I told Rev . Solomon . “ You have not only reached my goals , Kalam ! You have eclipsed them ,” he told me in a voice choked with emotion .
The next month , I happened to be in Trichi and used that opportunity to visit St . Joseph ’ s College . I did not find Rev . Father Sequeira , Rev . Father Erhart , Prof . Subramanyam , Prof . Iyyamperumal Konar , or Prof . Thothathri Iyengar there , but it seemed to me that the stones of the St . Joseph ’ s building still carried the imprint of the wisdom of those great people . I shared with the young students my memories of St . Joseph ’ s and paid tribute to the teachers who had moulded me .
We celebrated the nation ’ s forty-fourth Independence Day with the test firing of Akash . Prahlada and his team evaluated a new solid propellant booster system based on a composite modified double base propellant . This propellant with its unprecedented high energy properties was crucial in assuring the long-range surface-to-air missiles . The country had taken an important step in ground-based air defence of vulnerable areas .
Towards the end of 1990 , Jadavpur University conferred on me the honour of Doctor of Science at a special convocation . I was a little embarrassed at finding my name mentioned along with that of the legendary Nelson Mandela , who was also honoured at the same convocation . What could I possible have in common with a legend like Mandela ? Perhaps it was our persistence in our missions . My mission of advancing rocketry in my country was perhaps nothing when compared with Mandela ’ s mission of achieving dignity for a great mass of humanity ; but there was no difference in the intensity of our passions . “ Be more