Wingin' It - Arlington Municipal Airport Newsletter Wingin' It - Issue 12 - July 2018

Wingin’ It Arlington Municipal Airport Newsletter Issue 12—July 2018 Folks on the Field—David Setzer David Setzer has been a tenant at the Arlington Airport since 2013. He began fly- ing in 1966, training at KRBD. His first plane was a Comanche 180 and he has made an es mated 700 flights in his 52 years of flying. He holds a Commercial Ra ng with Single Engine Land and Instrument endorsements. Recently, David received the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award from the FAA. This is the most pres gious award the FAA issues to pilots cer fied under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regula ons (14 CFR) part 61. It recognizes those who have exhibited extraordinary professionalism, and maintained safe flight opera ons for at least 50 years. Created in 1962, less than 5,000 pilots worldwide have received this honor. But David is not just passionate about Avia on. Since 1986, he has volunteered with CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), and now serves as Secretary on the State Board of Directors. CASA organiza on volunteers advocate for children’s best interests while they are in the foster care system. Currently, 42,000 children are in foster care, and many have been vic ms of abuse and neglect. CASA pro- vides a voice for these children. David said that o en, the CASA volunteer is the only constant in the child’s life. 5000 S. Collins Street Arlington, TX 76018 Ofc: 817-459-5570 Fax: 817-466-8653 Opera ons (24/7): 817-459-5571 Mind the Gates! Please remember to stop a er passing through a gate, remain physically present in the gate approach (within 8 -10 feet), and monitor un l the gate fully clos- es before leaving the area. The intent is to preclude unauthorized vehicles or pedestrians from gaining access to the movement area. Gate users are not ex- pected to physically prevent passage, but your presence at the gate can serve to pre- vent unauthorized or inadvertent access . Since 2012, David has also volunteered with Angel Flight, an organiza on that ar- ranges for volunteer pilots to provide free flights for medical or humanitarian mis- sions, such as CASA. In fact, David was the volunteer pilot for the very first CASA flight in 2014. If you SEE something, SAY something. He also serves as EAA Chapter 34 Board Member at large, and is the point of con- tact for Eagle Flights. Eagle Flights provide a flight opportunity for adults that are OPERATIONS STAFF CAN BE REACHED 24/7 BY CALLING 817‐459‐5571 (con nued on Page 4)