Wingin' It - Arlington Municipal Airport Newsletter Wingin' It - Issue 11 - March 2018 | Page 4
Arlington Municipal Airport Newsletter
Vegeta on Management for Bird Control
In 2016, the Airport experienced three bird strikes between April and May involving the Upland Sandpiper, a
migratory bird that is typically prevalent in the area during spring and early summer months. Opera ons’ staff
currently use a number of techniques to control and disburse birds that are in close proximity to the runway and
taxiways. Following a program DFW Interna onal Airport implemented with success, Arlington Municipal began a
vegeta on management program in 2017.
The first step was completed last year, when plant species that provide a food source for these species of birds
were iden fied. This Spring, a licensed specialist will apply a targeted herbicide applica on to prohibit growth of
these types of grasses. Bird count es mates will be taken throughout the year to determine the effec veness of
the procedure, and the results will be validated by a wildlife biologist.
Just a reminder ‐
If you see a flock se ling in the Airport Opera ons Area, radio the ATCT, or Airport Opera ons at 817‐459‐5571,
and the birds will be dispersed.
If a strike does occur, call Airport Opera ons immediately, and submit a report to the FAA online at:
h ps:// If possible, the remains of the bird (technically
referred to as “snarge”) is collected, and the Airport also submits a report to the FAA Wildlife Strike Database. If
the type of bird can’t be determined onsite, a sample will be sent to the Smithsonian Ins tute for iden fica on.
Data collected is used to help develop be er methods of preven ng bird strikes.
Airport Maintenance Storage Building Update
I.S. Construc on Group, out of Ft. Worth, won the bid for construc on of the Airport Maintenance Storage Build‐
ing, and public restroom. Crews staged their equipment and began excava on last week.
The project is directly north of the fuel farm, in the T‐hangar area. We es mate construc on will take 12 weeks to
finish, depending on weather.