Wine Garden of England Booklet 2023 | Page 57

Its no secret that the UK wine industry is experiencing rapid growth .
However , growth-phase businesses frequently experience particular problems . No matter how long you have been in business , we will partner with you to make your wine business dreams a reality . Due to our extensive experience , we have solutions for you , whether you are in the planting stage or an industry veteran . From understanding risk , coordinating transition planning to solving complex tax issues , our in-depth knowledge is invaluable for wineries of any size .
Crowe UK has been in business since 1843 , like a fine wine , we continue to improve with age .
Thinking about tax
Business owners will inevitably encounter different taxes when navigating their way through the different stages of their vineyard operations . For those buying existing businesses , due diligence will likely be a key area where advice may be needed . Once a vineyard is mature and producing , sole traders and partnerships will need to give thought to loss relief and the dreaded hobby farming rules , which may be in point in the early years of trading . Now that tax rates have increased limited companies might need to review the most efficient method of cash extraction by shareholders when profits are made . And the sale or gift of a business will likely have capital gains tax ( CGT ) and inheritance tax ( IHT ) implications . In each case , it is important to take advice to ensure that tax traps are avoided and the most beneficial position is achieved for the long-term success of the vineyard .
www . crowe . co . uk