Wine Garden of England Booklet 2023 | Page 3

Welcome to another year of celebrating Kentish wine !

The Wine Garden of England is a collaboration of eight Kent wine producers who work together to encourage tourism to the county . Together , we are responsible for 80 % of Kent ’ s wine production . Every member of our group prides itself in the memorable experience you will have at their estate and the enthusiasm you ’ ll have for trying more wine from Kent as a result of visiting . This handbook will guide you through our annual event , the Wine Garden of England Summer Celebration at Balfour Winery . It will also be a yearround companion to exploring our member vineyards and learning more about the thriving food and drink scene in Kent .
If you ’ ve just picked this up at our Summer Celebration , allow me to explain how it works .
You ’ ll have seven vouchers , each redeemable at one of the producer tents . These will give you a sample of each producer ’ s wines to help you decide where you ’ d like to try more . You ’ re welcome to buy glasses or bottles to enjoy here today , and bottles to take home . There is no separate bar except for soft drinks so the producers can help you with everything you need . Please try to use your Riedel glass as much as possible ; there will be water available everywhere for you to rinse out your glass , and if you like we can provide you with a plastic glass when you buy wine .
If you ’ d like to buy wine to take home , you can either do this at the producer tent or you can make your purchase at the shop . If you would like a mixed case , the shop is the only place for this . The shop is run by Biddenden , so look out for the yellow van on the way to the car park .
Salad , pizzas and pre-ordered picnics can be picked up inside The View , so look out for the signs directing you .
There may still be tickets available for Clive Barlow ’ s masterclasses in the new Balfour Tasting Room to the right of the main building . If you haven ’ t already got a ticket , please enquire at the front desk before you make your way over . You ’ ll also notice that there are hourly vineyard and winery tours going on . You can book onto those today if you enquire at the front desk .
We hope you have a fantastic time at our annual celebration . There are other events in the diary too , so don ’ t miss us at The Kent Show 7-9 July , and at Biddenden Wines in the Vines on 22 July - a wonderful tasting journey in a stunning setting . In the meantime , make sure you sign up to our website for updates on events and offers throughout the year .
Cheers !
Jo Smith Brand Manager , Wine Garden of England jo @ winegardenofengland . co . uk www . winegardenofengland . co . uk