Wine Garden of England Booklet 2022 | Page 14

Ruth and Charles Simpson have been creating award-winning wines at their stunning , southern French Domaine , since 2002 . In 2012 they brought their savoir-faire back to the UK , establishing Simpsons ’ Wine Estate in Kent .
The Estate is situated amid the pristine beauty of the Elham Valley
– an unspoilt seam in the North Downs where the contours of the land , climate and soil could scarcely be improved upon for
viticulture .

S I M P S O N S ' W I N E E S T A T E

" W E B E L I E V E T H A T T H E F I N E S T W I N E S C O N V E Y A R I C H S E N S E O F P R O V E N A N C E A N D I N T E G R I T Y , F I R M L Y R O O T E D I N T H E C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S A N D E X Q U I S I T E N U A N C E S O F T H E I R T E R R O I R . "
The Simpsons ’ vineyards occupy glorious positions on these sunny , sheltered slopes , protected from the whimsy of the English climate by ancient woodland and anchored in the iconic chalky soils so highly revered in the world of wine .
The Estate now has 38 hectares ( 112 acres ) of planted vineyards and a state-of-the-art winery and visitor facility , ideally located within walking distance of the vines .
With a strong focus on provenance , the Simpsons have created a highly-acclaimed range of exclusively estate-grown still and sparkling wines , which can be found in some of the finest retail and dining outlets , both nationally and internationally .