Above: Once an initial setup of kit is done you just need to position your mastfoot on the mark then set the boom
off the tail of the board to get the perfect boom height every time
tuning. What I mean is that, from now on in normal
conditions, you can set your perfect boom height – not by
ever measuring it again to your shoulder but – by simply
setting your mastfoot on the mark, laying the boom over the
tail and adjusting the boom to your standard setting. This
could save you time and prevent you running into the sort of
trouble you can encounter when setting off from the beach
to discover that the boom height is not right.
The next step is to remove the rig from the board and set
your outhaul. Just outhaul a little bit (or a little more if very
windy) and do the finger push test. This may need a slight
boom length adjustment but do not touch your boom height
as this is already set. To do the finger test stand at the back
end of the boom with the mast on the ground and the clew
tucked into your armpit. Extend a straight arm onto the sail
and push down with two fingers. You should just be able to
press the sail onto the boom. On windier days with slightly
more outhaul on (1-2cm) you might need 3 fingers to push
the sail onto the boom in the same way.
Revenge of the outhaul
The classic occurrence in a hire centre is this. Tall lady grabs
rig from regular height guy who is just coming in, says
thanks, knocks the boom height up from middle to top of
cutout, goes sailing. Well the bad news is that she’s going to
have a very loose sail which will significantly affect control
and stability. Why? Well, let’s assume that the guy had his
outhaul set perfectly when his boom was in the middle of the
cutout (to suit his regular stature). When the lady, being
taller, knocks the boom up and re-clamps it she effectively
lets off loads of outhaul tension. This is because the front
end of the boom sliding up the mast pulls the back end of
the boom slightly towards the mast.
Below: Pressing with two fingers from this position is a good way to set your outhaul tension