When the game changes
As per the example above, whilst you are enjoying the great
pleasures of windsurfing on the sea it is essential to stay
vigilant towards any significant environmental or other factors
that may change the game. Head to shore as quickly as
possible if any of the following occur as it’s far safer to
reassess your options on the beach than it is whilst bobbing
around on the big blue.
• The horizon is turning dark and/or the sea is turning
white, signifying a localized storm or brief squall
• The wind is significantly increasing or decreasing
• The wind is starting to swing offshore
• The tide is starting to get stronger
• The water state is getting rougher, signifying a change in
wind direction or tidal height
• The shorebreak is starting to look a lot bigger than when
you set off
• The sun is close to setting
• You can sense early signs of cramp
• You are getting tired
• You start to see bull sharks or the Kraken
It’s all good!
Whilst there are lots of ideas here that might sound a bit
scary, it’s important to be aware of all aspects of coastal
windsurfing in order to enjoy the sport safely. Interpreting the
forecast, sailing with others on the right kit, understanding
any dangers and using local knowledge are the four
cornerstones of a safe session. So plan your session well
and remember that any tidal effects will be more pronounced
on springs than neaps. If things do start to change you need
to be ready to adapt.
Windsurfing blends physical and mental fitness with skills
progression and, in a super-dynamic environment like the
coast, great sessions are enormously rewarding. Maybe it’s
time to grab a mate and get out there with some kit to feel
the energy of the sea. Have a plan, be safe and have fun.
Just keep one eye out for those giant squids…
Simon Winkley is a RYA Advanced
Windsurfing Instructor and a RYA Windsurfing
Trainer running instructor courses across the
UK and overseas.
Sponsors: Starboard, Severne, Bray Lake
Watersports, Spinlock and Flymount.
2018 dates: Vass Coaching Weeks at Ocean
Elements 17 June (places) & 24 June (SOLD
OUT); Weymouth Coaching Weekends at the
OTC 28/29th July plus more TBC, 28/29 July;
Queen Mary Foiling Sessions email for details.
Contact: [email protected] for
bookings and info. Facebook @swwinds
Instagram @simonwinkley