WindsurfingUK issue 5 October 2017 | Page 48

46 TRAVELSW ENGLAND Winning the lottery It was brief, a little over an hour of punting aerials off the heaving dumpers before the wind swung bolt offshore and it was all over. Each time we drive to the beach to go windsurfing, we are, in effect, gambling. I think that’s why it is so euphorically rewarding when you score that special session. It is literally like winning the lottery and that day left Charlie and I giggling like schoolgirls. Maybe it is this gambling element that makes windsurfing so addictive, combined with the incredible adrenaline rush we all feel, it certainly makes for an intoxicating combination. I think in reality, we’re all just junkies chasing the high. This is why I almost always end up making that drive to the beach, because you can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket. It’s always a great feeling when you figure out a new spot. I’d heard many things about Bigbury, the terms ‘gusty’, ‘frustrating’ and ‘Bigbury rage’ tended to feature heavily. This didn’t exactly raise my expectations. Fortunately I’m rarely one to listen to the pessimists, and instead listened to my biggest windsurfing inspiration, my dad. He was full of praise for the place after spending a lot of time there back in the 80s when wave sailing was still in its infancy. I figured if he managed to have fun with a batten free, cloth sail and a board with the mast track six inches from the nose, then there must be more to it than this alleged gusty hell. As much as many of us may not like to admit it, dads are usually right about most things. Fortunately for me, this time was no exception. It didn’t happen immediately, I had a few skunkings and disappointments before I caught the golden forecast. But then nothing worth doing goes right the first time. High and low tides As it turned out the stars align when the wind goes WNW. Cross shore starboard tack conditions are a particular favourite of mine and that is probably why I loved it so much. High tide is great for jumping, with ramps lining up in the river mouth under the cliffs. Low tide makes the waves rather dumpy and huge fun for a bit of high stakes waveriding. ‘Hit it before it hits you’ is a good mantra for low tide at Bigbury. February was the month when the place really came alive. There was a two week period where I sailed there almost every other day. Dashing down after lectures, never more than five people on the water and sometimes totally alone, it was brilliant. Albeit somewhat chilly. Bigbury is certainly a beach with its quirks. Rogue waves out in the middle of the bay, twice the size of everything else, help keep you on your toes. There is no real out back safe zone like there is at uk WIND SURFING