New products
This year we decided on Maui because we have
several new products. It was worth investing in this
level of shooting because we have a new sail
collection, the new Wave Cult v7, the X-Fire v10, the
TwinTip v6, the Airwindsurf boards and our first
windsurfing hydrofoil.
With regard to RRD’s foil we have developed a first-class
and high-tech product, lightweight (only 2.5 kg) with
great rigidity. We have worked and invested so much
because we really believe in developing foils. Our foil is
designed for freeride use, perfect for both learners and
those who already practice and want to improve quickly.
RRD’S Compact wave sail on the other hand is an
absolute innovation. With this project we’ve made
huge steps forward revolving around transporting
windsurfing equipment. We offer a package of three
folding sails and a removable mast, boom and
extension, all enclosed in a backpack weighing less
than 20kg. The size of the backpack is that of a
suitcase and can therefore be checked as standard
luggage during overseas trips. Most convincing is the
performance: we have been able to develop a rig
comparable to standard ones. Alex Mussolini, for
example, was amazed during his first try outs. This is a
wave sail without any compromise!
Another level
I know how it works to participate in a photoshoot, but
organizing and coordinating is just another level! I simply
faced one thing at a time by being methodical. I made
lists and tried to follow the programme as much as
possible. I was very lucky with the conditions and this
helped to manage timings and coordinate the team. It
has been a major learning experience, but I think in
time my confidence will improve. In general I am very
happy because we produced what we needed and this
is the most important thing to take in consideration.