‘ One more run ’
Even after all these years of sailing hard every day I still get a rush from a good session . Jumping is my favourite discipline and on a good , windy day with any type of ramp I still have that ‘ one more run ’ thought about 50 times over , as we all do . Getting to work on time has been a real issue for me over the past 22 years !
Waiting for wind with the support crew Sylt 2015
I love learning manoeuvres . As a youngster I was heavily into BMX and I think it probably stems from that . I enjoy breaking down moves into their separate components and then learning them step by step , it ’ s the greatest buzz in the world when you bust out that new trick for the first time after a thousand ( and more ) fails , nothing can beat that feeling . I guess this has helped me with my coaching as I find it quite easy to explain technique to people , having already dismantled the move for myself . Before I came to Fuerte I competed on the British circuit in slalom , course racing and waves and loved them all , but I always enjoyed a good day on my wave board more than anything and that ’ s why I ended up where I did .
Wild card entry
I ’ ve had so many great sessions over the years here that it ’ s difficult to name one in particular as my best . The day I landed my first forward at Flag Beach , first flaka ( after almost 14 months of crashing head first into my mast ) or some of my sessions sailing the amazing wave at Lobos , a little island just off the coast of Fuerte with a perfect little reef break which works a couple of times a year if we ’ re lucky . But I would say my most memorable day was when I won the wild card
for the PWA Fuerteventura freestyle , coming from last place on the first day ( I had to leave before the second round to get back up north to my job in a hotel ), to win four complete rounds on the last day ( day off ), not losing one single heat . That was some party when I got back to my friends in Corralejo !
Everyone can go through phases when they ’ re less motivated than others , and I ’ m no exception . Normally for me it happens after a long stint of bad conditions or an injury . I quite easily get absorbed in other activities when not sailing and can sometimes find myself a little disinterested when the opportunity presents itself again . It only takes one good session to get rid of my apathy though , sometimes only one run . I think the secret is to wait until a good day appears , don ’ t stress about getting back out there in whatever conditions