The board is then allocated to you allowing straps and such all to be tuned to your liking
Plenty to choose from and more on the way . There is something for everyone ’ s budget , We stayed in the Labranda Princess which was a 4-star and all inclusive . It was pretty good and offered decent value for money . It is a big hotel and the pool and beach can be crowded , however , we never endured this as we were on the water for the best part of the whole day ! It is a two-minute walk to the ASPC hire centre and has a Dolmus stop right at its door . Next door is the Alacati Beach Resort which is 5-star with a price to match . Slightly further from the hire centres is the Salto . Next year Biblos Beach Hotel will be complete and you literally couldn ’ t get closer to the windsurfing than this location . For the more discerning / trendy / adventurous the town centre of Alacati has a plethora of ‘ Boutique ’ hotels . We saw plenty of them and they looked fun and quirky . They are based right in the heart so nightlife , eating and drinking are on tap . You will be a fiveminute walk to the Dolmus stop and a five-minute ride to the sailing .
The board is then allocated to you allowing straps and such all to be tuned to your liking
It ’ s been a long time since we travelled with windsurf kit on a plane now for two reasons . The airlines have got smarter and want more dollar to put your pride and joy onboard . My charm offensive with the check in girl isn ’ t quite what it once was 15 years back ! The pain doesn ’ t end there though . Once landed you need to then get it from airport to hotel , then hotel to centre , then rig it and find somewhere to store it – I ’ m exhausted even typing that ! Where we have had a lot of fun taking windsurf kit with us , lately we have resorted to kite equipment as it is just so much easier to travel with . Hiring equipment is a winner every time for me especially if two weeks or less . I might rethink if somehow magically I scored Jeri for two months or Mauritius for the season but sadly work calls .
Alacati is blessed with several good centres all offering quality equipment and roughly around the same price . You take your pick and sign in for whatever period suits your plans . We saw JP , Pryde , Starboard , Severne , Fanatic , North and Point 7 well represented in the bay . We hired with ASPC ( Alacati Surf Paradise Club ) and they had a great package that allowed four days of hire in seven , plus insurance for 225 euros . This gets you gear from around 10am through till 7pm .
All the centres seemed to offer similar with freeride and slalom being the staple diet of riders on the water . Stock of boards was generous but there wasn ’ t much under 95L . I put this down to the popularity of the