What moves/skills are you currently working on
and how’s this going?
Talking onshore, my main aim for visiting the Canaries
was to improve my jumping so I put work into my back
loops and forwards. I also learned how to do backside
360s which is a pretty cool onshore move. Now that I
am back at home I will be making it my goal to start
smashing out wave 360s. They are one of favourite
wave moves. They look so stylish on a wave.
Recently you spent time in the Canaries having a
dig at the PWA. How did this go? Any particular
I spent six weeks in the Canaries training my onshore
sailing in Pozo and Cabezo. I had real fun. I got on the
water every day for the whole time I was there. I got to
hang out with PWA stars like Jaeger Stone, Adam Lewis
and Robby Swift. Not much more I could ask for really…
For me the competition was not my best but I am still
happy with how it went, as I know onshore Pozo style
sailing is not my strong point. So to contest against the
local hotshots is a result for me.
And what about not so great experiences?
Having my new 2018 GA sails get stuck in customs for
almost three weeks was really a pain. I needed them on
countless occasions such as my second heat in the
junior event where I was sailing super overpowered on
my 3.6m while my 3.3m was sitting on the other side of
the island. Oh yeah, I can't forget to mention the Pozo
rocks, those mini boulders covered in slippery algae.
They are pure carnage! Nobody escapes the rocks, even
the stars have their fair share of run ins with them. It is
either your gear or your body getting rinsed on them. If
you were following the Pozo event you would have seen
Loick Lesauvage break his foot in the shorebreak during
his heat! It really surprises me how things like this don't
happen more often on those rocks.
How difficult (or easy) was it to get to these comps
to take on the world’s best? Will you be doing more?
It is a fantastic experience that is easily accessible for
anyone, I would truly recommend it for every junior
windsurfer. The Canary Islands are easily accessible from