satisfying when you’re on the road and Bigsalty is
suggesting you hit the beach that the local has just
recommended. That sort of information is invaluable
and can save you a lot of time and wasted journeys.
Tell us about your day job. You’re a web developer
so how does that fit into your windsurfing life?
I build websites and manage hosting packages for a
number of different businesses and individuals. It’s
pretty flexible work except it’s always with me. It’s a
service industry at the end of the day so I need to
make sure if someone needs something done there is
a plan of action or a support option. I guess you could
either build a big business in this area and get staff or
stay small and be flexible but be more hands on. I
decided to stay small a long time ago for maximum
flexibility to suit windsurfing. This means you have to
be resourceful when arranging cover for the trips away. Anything big planned with BS in the future?
Recently we started working on lifestyle tools that aim
to really help water sports enthusiasts get the most out
of life. It feels great doing this because it takes us back
to the original reason for starting the service. I love
windsurfing, surfing, spear fishing, stand up paddle
and a whole host of other water sports. I want a
weather service that makes enjoying these sports a
priority in my life. It’s too easy to miss a glassy day or a
windy day or a clear visibility day when there is so
much clutter and so many distractions in modern day
life. You have to be vigilante and selective. We have a
vision of helping people make the most of good
forecasts by helping them fit in sessions around their
busy lives. Helping them to reset the priorities, you
know. I think this is how to make people feel good. If
we can make a difference and encourage people to
prioritise enjoying the outdoors then I’m stoked and
that’s something I feel is worth working hard to
Talk to us about Bigsalty. Many windsurfers use
the site as their ‘go to’ source of weather info.
What’s the history and what led you start a
weather website?
Bigsalty is now a global weather service for windsurfers
and other water sports users. We provide wind, swell
and tidal data and some very unique ratings tools.
These tell you where’s going to be good for down-the-
line windsurfing conditions and even glassy stand up
paddle sessions. In addition you can set up alerts, to
help prevent you missing a forecast. Bigsalty came
about out of the excitement of trying to locate the best
windsurfing conditions possible. The thinking being that
somewhere is going to be going off, you’ve just got to
know where! I feel like the website is heading in a good
direction at the moment and things are getting
exciting. We try and procure information from locals
about specific conditions at locations and it’s pretty
What about trips? We noticed recently you
managed to sneak across to Ireland for a boys
only few days. How did that go down with the
Lucy’s great and understands that I have.... well,
needs! We both look after the kids in between our work
commitments so it makes it easier in a way to justify
going away. It’s not like she’s always the one looking
after the kids. That way she also gets to do her thing
too and I get to see them plenty despite the
windsurfing which I’m grateful for.