WindsurfingUK issue 10 March 2019 | Page 52

52 INTERVIEWCOOKIE better if the glass had something in it. Honestly I don’t know what I was thinking as I went to dunk the glass in the water at 20 knots and of course the glass just got ripped out of my hand. So in the photo I looked more like a random guy in a suit than James Bond. Actually, if you look closely you might see that my tie is made from a cut-up Severne sail bag! Future stunts? I wanna get someone on my shoulders - one of the smaller female members of the beach team to see if that would work. It’s gonna be hard to hold on – she’s gonna need some abs and to hook her feet under my armpits… That would be amazing. It’s almost like going back to the days when people were rail riding, doing the splits and smashing out body rolls inside the boom. But that was at slower speeds. Putting the fun back into it is what I can see happening here. Absolutely. I can do a lot of carving stuff in windsurfing so I thought about how I can make it entertaining for me and break the cycle of just doing the same gybe over and over. This was my way of making it fun, making it silly. uk WIND SURFING Is that the secret to keep people engaged with windsurfing so they’re not going off and finding other things to do…just keep pushing? Yeah. It doesn’t need to be specifically pushing the limits though, rather doing different things. I teach skiing a lot in the winter and it’s the same thing – how can you break the cycle of doing the same old routine? How can you make it fun? Let’s do something a little bit different. I’m not taking about windsurfing in a 3.0m storm or skiing off a cliff but just breaking the habit, breaking the cycle. I get my team to think about how they can keep their seasons fun and interesting. Maybe they can start getting into biking, fitness, something different so it’s not the exact same thing over and over again. And that keeps the connection to the sport I guess, helping us to stay focused… …and fresh and new and interesting, not getting stale doing the same thing. I like that. Last question. In just one word, what’s the secret for longevity in the windsurfing business? (a pause, a smile) Variety.