Windsor Parent - May/June 2015 Issue | Page 6

Earth Day is Every Day i i i t f o t a s next April 22 the pivotal role that the Earth plays in the continuation of your life. The fact of the matter is that without this bountiful, magnificent ball of rock orbiting our star we would not exist. Consider this a challenge to bring your awareness of your relationship to this planet into your everyday life. Do this by evolving at least one of your habits. K y o p 1.) Break up with plastic bags – It has been estimated that over a million plastic bags are manufactured every year to meet the North American demand for this convenience. In April, we have a day set aside to honour the Earth and remember our connection to her vitality. In how many of us does this remembering last beyond this day? Truly, the Earth sustains you every day of your life. Can you think of one day where you did not need air to breathe? Is there one day in your life that you did not walk upon the ground and rely upon it’s bounty to sustain your life? The answer is no. And yet, as humans we designate only one day to concentrate upon this beautiful gift. Most practice the principles for a few days, perhaps a few weeks after the celebration, and then “real life” takes over and you return to the comfort of your habits, forgetting until d h s Five Habits That You Can Evolve That Will Have Impact on the Future of The Planet and the Survival of our Species By Stephanie Renaud N l d s t w c o t c v c The kids may have the summer off...but do you? Rest assured that Nancy Pattison’s Dance World will provide professional supervision of your precious ones while they have fun and get exercise all summer long! DANCE CAMP DAY CAMP PRE DANCE ADVENTURE For ages 3-5 BIRTHDAY PARTIES (Call for available dates & times) JOIN IN ON SOME OF OUR SUMMER FUN! Program Includes • Tap • Jazz • Ballet • HipHop • Tumbling • Arts & Crafts • Singing • and more! SUMMER INTENSIVE BIRTHDAY PARTIES (SEMI) PRIVATES (Call for appointment) Ages 7+ 10% off month of Sept. registration if received by July 31st. OPEN HOUSE June 29, 2015 4-8pm Everyone welcome Over 60 years of Dance Experience 1954-2015 3900 Walker Rd. | For Further Details Call 519-966-2259 | 6 Windsor Parent - May/June 2015