Windows Magazine SY 18-19 Windows Magazine SY 18-19 | Page 7
By: Regina V. Santos
Mother of Jacobo, Nursery A
and Amaya, Toddlers A
I re m e m b e r m y fi r s t
mother’s day celebration in
Rosemont so clearly. It was a hot
s u n n y d a y. W e w e r e i n a
classmate’s house in Cavite and
we swam and spent the day with
our moms. We had a hand made
poster made of manila paper with
doodles we thought was as great
as the masterpieces of great
artists. It was a great bonding day
with our moms and friends outside
the norms of the usual school day.
Fast forward to literally, 30 years
later. I am again in another
R o s e m o n t M o t h e r ’s d a y
C e l e b r a t i o n . I t ’s a s i m i l a r
experience but somewhat different.
This time, I am mom of a three
year old so excited to be in
Cuenca park for a Hands On
Mama Celebration- our first activity
for the school year! It was definitely
a great day as expected. I felt so
proud to see my son lead the
opening prayer in front of the
whole school with such ease. It
made me so happy to see him give
his all and enjoy every second of
t h e n u r s e r y b o y ’s d a n c e
performance of “The Best Day of
My Life”.
There’s no word to
describe the feeling of what it’s
like reading about what your son is
most grateful for about his mom,
for the first time ever. The task of
co-designing a bag with my son
using old clothes and mementos
was challenging and at the same
time amusing
because it was
nostalgic, just like the whole event
for me.
My son was experiencing
something I had experienced as a
child and I myself was
experiencing it again with the same
people I did 30 years ago… my
classmates then were also moms
just like me, our second moms or
“school moms” Ms. Tessie , and
Mrs. Campos who was Ms. Goco