WINDOWS Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 9

EDITORIAL 09 EDITORIAL 09 12 14 15 16 17 COMPLIANCE  DODGY BUILDING PRODUCTS ARE EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY Rodger Hills outlines strategies to take on the manufacturers and suppliers of dodgy building products. MARKETING  COURAGE ­— THE CORE OF CREATIVE ADVERTISING Creativity can be a fickle beast, but is worth the risk, writes Stephanie Dale. WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY  THE IMPACT OF BULLYING BEYOND THE WORKPLACE Maureen Kyne continues her series on the effects of bullying in the workplace. PEOPLE  THE PRESSURE OF NOW Avoid the pitfalls of manufactured urgency and improve your time management hygiene with these tips from David Esler. LEGAL  DAMAGES FOR BREAK OF CONTRACT — A QUICK GUIDE Be aware of your rights and responsibilities under Australian Consumer Law with this quick guide to breach of contract from Bryan Pickard. ECONOMY  HIA’S HOUSING SCORECARD FOR BUILDING ACTIVITY Tim Reardon provides a state by state summary of the latest report results from the Housing Industry Association. WINDOWS MAGAZINE 7