WINDOWS Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 32

WINDOWS | TRAINING 01 02 03 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GRADUATES G aining a broad knowledge of windows and doors has previously been a case of on-the-job-learning or, for larger companies, undertaking in- house training. This resulted in no clear cut identification of knowledge level when transitioning jobs or roles. All that has now changed. The FENESTRATIONDIPLOMA was developed by the Australian Window Association to provide certainty that a person has broad industry knowledge and has proven that by undertaking training and assessments. Currently available as a combination of online training and a two-day face-to- face course, the graduates gain valuable knowledge of the industry, not just in the 30 Spring 2017 specific area that they work in, but in a broader sense making their Diploma a valuable asset. Code. Once the training has been successfully completed there is an online exam as the final step. Recent graduates are: Don’t get left behind. The FENESTRATIONDIPLOMA provides evidence of knowledge and commitment. Daniel Karlson David Milovanovic Jamie Ryan Jessica Chaplin Bradley Jamieson Dean Finkelde Lucy Howells Alspec Alspec Alspec Alspec Alspec AWS AWS The FE NESTRATIONDIPLOMA is open to all AWA members with two years in the industry and requires the completion of the Intermediate Fenestration Course and the online courses on AS 4047, AS 1288 Basics, Energy, Wind Loads, Bushfires, Restricted Openings and the National Construction 01 Dean Finkelde (left) and Lucy Howells (right) from AWS. 02 (Left to right): Jessica Chaplin, Tracey Gramlick, Bradley Jamieson. Jessica and Bradley were awarded their Fenestration Diplomas at the AWA 2017 South Australia Industry Forum in July. 03 (Left to right): Scott Sherry, Alspec Sales Manager, Daniel Karlson, Jamie Ryan, David Milovanovic and Barry Lunn, Alspec Sales and Marketing Director.