WINDOWS Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 23

“TRICKY ASSEMBLY REDUCED INTO ONE INSTANT AND INTUITIVE ACTION” CiiLOCK Design Team THRUST BEARING Sh ields t he h i nge leaf from ad j ust ment to safeg uard vert ica l posit ion i ng of t he door. QUICK RELEASE PIN When pu lled down , bal l bearings disengage to enable t he pin to be swiftly pulled out. 10MM HEX KEY ADJUSTMENT Wit h t he assista nce of a n a l len key, users are equ i pped wit h a l i bera l 10 mm ad j ust ment scope. A dd itiona lly, elimi nati ng risk of gradual panel s l i ppage to preserve perfect door alignment, a unique thrust beari ng cleverly shields t he hinge leaf from adj ustment to safeguard t he vert ica l posit ion i ng of t he door from a ny adverse affects of everyday use. BI-FOLD SYSTEMS t. 03 9703 1006 e. i nfo@ c i i w. w w w.c i i / t ita n