WINDOWS Magazine Spring 2016 | Page 34

t r a i n i n g


The well-worn path of apprenticeship training is one that is embedded in the minds of the glass industry and glass apprentices alike . You set aside up to six weeks per year to go to a centralised training facility and hit the books , gaining theoretical knowledge that you can put into practice once you ’ re back on-site .

But what if there was a better way ?
Instead of waving goodbye to your team of apprentices for multiple weeks in a year , sending them off to the nearest ( yet often still far-flung ) training centre , why not keep them at home ? And instead of them studying textbooks and taking exams , why not give them practical , real-world knowledge ?
It ’ s a win-win : Your business gets a customtailored training course that is delivered by experienced industry professionals , and it ’ s conducted in the comfort of your own premises . And the benefits don ’ t stop there .
Which would you deem more valuable to someone undertaking a glazier apprenticeship – more theoretical training or more practical training ? While more standard apprenticeship coursework can have a heavy reliance on theoretical study , on-site training focuses far more on practicality .
On-site courses are tailored to the specific business at which they ’ re held , focussing on the situations that your organisation will most often come across . This leads to the sort of training effectiveness that simply can ’ t be delivered by a generic off-site course . Your apprentices will be versed in the specific knowledge that your business finds most useful , leading to greater productivity and increased profitability .
And where better to learn safe practices than on the site that you ’ ll be working on , with the machinery you ’ ll be working with ? This sort of applicable , real-world safety training will minimise the likelihood of a future on-site accident , which could prove invaluable .
On-site training also contributes to the formation of a healthy learning culture within your business , with management providing direct input for course structure and material . Some old dogs may even pick up some new tricks !
The standard off-site training model can be exceedingly costly for a business . When you factor in the costs of training , wages for an off-site employee , travel and accommodation costs , an employer is left with quite a large bill on their hands .
Not only is on-site apprentice training arguably the most effective way to teach glazier apprentices , it can also prove to be the least costly . In addition , government funding initiatives , both state and federal , have been implemented with the aim to set up employers to better train the next generation of workers .
Various rebates and tax breaks focus on the delivery of glazier apprenticeship training , making the choice to train your employees even more obvious . With the on-site option , you can gain access to the maximum amount of funding available without losing your apprentices for weeks at a time . It ’ s a win-win situation !
With on-site training you ’ ll get the most appropriate tuition , keep your apprentices on-site , and save money , all at the same time .
If your business continues to use the traditional training avenues for courses such as Certificate III and IV in Glass and Glazing , you may be missing out on costsavings , training effectiveness and all manner of efficiencies . And , if your competitors do choose the on-site option , you may soon find yourself falling behind .
Glass Skills Australia is here to help . With Mel Barr , our new Business Development Specialist , at the helm , GSA is better placed than ever to provide your business with the most convenient , relevant , and cost-effective glazier apprenticeship training available . Mel brings a wealth of knowledge to GSA from her 22 years at Viridian , and is excited to help your business find the best subsidised training solution possible .
As Paul Garrett of Stegbar noted , “[ GSA ] thoroughly deserves the highest accolades ; the business provides professional , informative services which place them above the competition .”
If you ’ d like to see what Glass Skills Australia can do for your business , contact us on 1800 886 269 or visit www . glassskills . com . au
01 A Comparison of Glass Skills Australia training to traditional methods .
32 Australian Window Association