WM: Tell our readers about Elysium
Cabaret. How long has the show
existed in Second Life? Who created
the show? Why was it created?
BABYPEA: I started dancing in SL in
January of 2012. I did Gorean dance.
But I longed to have more options for
expression, so I entered mainstream
dance in July of that same year. I
found even in mainstream, every
troupe had its own style and set of
rules. I wanted a place where I could
fully express all facets of my creativity,
even humor. The only way to achieve
that was to start my own troupe. So,
with my partner Gunner von Phoenix
(also my RL husband) plus the two
people I shared a sim with, Paul
Woodrunner and Jilley
Resident who also wanted to perform,
we started Elysium Cabaret. Our first
show was December 7th 2012. Paul
built The Empire Room for us to have
a place to dance in, and we haven’t
stopped since! It is a place where
people are welcome to come share
their imaginations and passion for art
and entertainment with one another.
WM: How do you determine the
various dance numbe