them, a huge aquarium off of the
modest office. To make an
aquarium of this beauty requires
understanding of the flow from the
sandy bottom to the underwater
plants to the fish and their
the context of that I stood slightly
aside my own inherent design style
and provide a space for people
to truly indulge in their own
passions. Handing you the key to a
room that says this is truly my own.
No matter how you define that.
Now I will wrap this up with what I
have called the crown jewel of this Whether is it’s a personal Art
Gallery, an Indoor theatre to
fantastic build.
indulge in films, the scent of
popcorn and leather seats engaged
The crown jewel of this design is
the Imagine Room. An artistic sign between peals of delicious
displaying simply “Imagine” hangs laughter. Your own ‘Fifty Shades of
in the hallway across from the se- Grey’ scening room where to
quence of rooms I just discussed. quietly gasp is only the start of
Walking through the door you will your journey, and Underground
see a room behind glass with the Nightclub just for your special
‘observation area’ surrounding on crew. Name your poison. There will
be modules released for
three walls with personal stylish
erotic art. In Eliza’s own words this the PATRON Imagine room over
time as I dream, design &
room is:
create them as potential options
“When I set about designing this
for you. In the interim. Welcome
home it was not only imperative
Home. Eliza Wierwight”
to me to create more than mere
rooms. My goal was to
Her description of the Imagine
present backgrounds to the
room are similar to the wishes she
genuinely evocative, spaces that
has for her visitors all around the
effortlessly invite us to visual
property, enjoy. The Imagine room
hedonism, spaces that every so
takes this philosophy to a new level
gently elevate beyond the pale, a in sl and I can hardly wait to see
visual synchronicity. It was also
what she has in store
highly important to me that within