Embodied Self allow researchers to
focus down on smaller
communities and groups and
investigate specifics.
able to tell me that the funding had
been confirmed, and that as a
result, Ethnographia Island is set to
double in size with the addition of a
Through it, and the involvement of second region.
those participating in it, both
"This means not only more spaces
Donna and Tom are confident they for individual disabled folks to have
will be able to present a better
parcels for some creative building,
understanding about how new
but also some larger, collaborative
on-line technologies influence how parcels where groups of people
we think about our bodies, how we with disabilities can let their
think about social interaction, and imaginations run free!" Tom said as
how we think about the role of the they passed on the news to me. So,
internet in everyday life, all of
if you have a disability of any kind
which will have implications for
and would be interested in a parcel,
improving health care and social
please IM Donna (Tredi Felisimo in
support for people with disabilities. SL) or Tom (Tom Bukowski in SL), or
email them at
Visitors are welcome to tour the
[email protected] or
installations, and I recommend
taking a look at the accompanying [email protected]. They would love
website when doing so - the links to have you participate!
are given again below for
SLurl and Website Details
Ethnographia Island (Rated:
Having opened its doors in
Virtual Worlds, Disability, and
November 2015, Ethnographia
Island had originally been set to run New Cultures of the Embodied
through until March 2016.
However, as I worked on this
article, Tom and Donna were in
discussions concerning additional
funding for the work.
On Friday, February 19th, they were