Winc_LL_2021 | Page 15

Many other time-saving features available to refine your search . Flexible and helpful , our website can help you everyday ~ 24 / 7

Can ’ t find what you ’ re looking for ?

The Legend Life website has been redesigned to provide an improved user experience .

Take advantage of the search and filter capabilities to find your perfect product . The advanced search allows you to filter by colour , category , usage , brand , key product features and even by decoration type .
Along with improved navigation , product pages and downloadable assets including images and information sheets , you will find everything you need on legendlife . com . au e . g .: LOOKING FOR A RED BACKPACK ?
Go to the product category tab and under bags go to Backpacks . Refine the search by going to Colour and selecting the Red swatch .

Many other time-saving features available to refine your search . Flexible and helpful , our website can help you everyday ~ 24 / 7

www . legendlife . com . au