
Winc Australia Pty Limited Inbound Pallet Policy
Suppliers delivering pallets to Winc shall ensure their carriers and 3PL agents are made aware of and comply with these requirements :
a ) All deliveries must be on a standard size plain pallet in accordance with the following specifications . Softwood ( skids )/ branded pallets will not be accepted .
• Dimensions : 1165mm x 1165 mm
• The width of the front and rear locking panels : 140mm . Pallets using narrow locking planks ( 90mm ) will not be accepted .
• Make & specifications : CHEP or LOSCAM or standard hardwood pallets that are agreed with / authorised with the State Logistic Managers
b ) All pallets delivered to Winc Australia must be in good condition . Pallets delivered in poor condition will not be accepted . c ) Australian CHEP and LOSCAM pallets are the preferred medium to receive goods from suppliers . d ) Winc Australia will not enter into an IOU arrangement with any supplier . e ) A 28-day delay will apply to CHEP or LOSCAM pallets transferred unless other terms have been specifically agreed with Winc . Suppliers shall ensure that their carriers are aware of and comply with the Winc 28-day delay . If vendors are transferring direct to Winc then they need to provide two copies of the pallet docket , one to be retained by Winc Australia and the second to be given to the carrier for on forwarding to the vendor as POD . f ) All transfer dockets must have a Winc purchase order number ( or other reference traceable back to Winc PO ) in the Reference field . g ) For all deliveries on CHEP or LOSCAM pallets the driver shall present two copies of a pallet transfer docket to Winc staff . Winc staff will sign both copies and return one copy to the driver . In the event that the driver only provides one copy then Winc Australia will retain it . In the event that the driver does not provide a pallet transfer docket , then he / she will be given the opportunity to have one faxed or emailed through to the relevant Winc Australia receiving site . h ) It is the responsibility of the supplier / carrier to notify pallet hire companies of their transfers on to Winc Australia pallet hire accounts . Pallet Account numbers will be supplied on request . i ) Winc Australia will accept pallet claims within three months of the receipt date with no adjustment to the original transfer provided that equipment types and quantities are correct and that Winc Australia can verify the transfer . Claims beyond this period may be accepted , but the effective date of transfer will be the date of written claim enquiry to Winc Australia or at a date determined by Winc Australia . Claims will only be investigated if the supplier / carrier can provide adequate documentation to support a claim . j ) For returns or collections on CHEP or LOSCAM , Winc will provide two copies of a pallet docket for pallets dispatched from a Winc site . The pickup driver shall provide carrier details and sign and date both copies of the pallet docket . Winc Australia will retain one copy and provide the driver with the second copy .
Updated : November 2022