Williamson Student Handbook 2024-25 | Page 10

Emergency Notification System { 7 / 11 / 17 }
Williamson uses an emergency notification system that employs text messaging , email , and / or voice message notification . This system may be used to announce emergencies , unexpected college closings , or other pertinent information . As a campus safety measure , students will provide their cell phone numbers to the college and notify the college if it changes . Students will NOT be held accountable to the Cell Phone policy when this system is used while they are on campus .
College Closures { 7 / 17 / 07 }
On rare occasions , the administration may need to modify the normal campus schedule . In those instances , information may be sent out through a variety of means to include the emergency notification system , email , or electronic bulletin boards depending on the nature and urgency of the schedule change . Students may be instructed to return late , return in the morning , or notified that the college is closed .
Health , Wellness , and Physical Activity { 7 / 17 / 07 }
Mr . Williamson recognized that a career in the trades is physical work and a student who leaves Williamson physically fit is better positioned for success in his field . As part of the Founding Deed , Mr . Williamson directed that , “ the physical training of the scholars shall be carefully attended to that they shall have proper exercise and recreation , so that … each one may grow up with a sound mind in a sound body .” As such , the college is committed to providing programming and policies to achieve this directive .
All students are required to participate in physical activity each year in one of two ways :
• Participation in any Williamson varsity sport ( see “ Sport Activities ” below ), managing a team does not fulfill this requirement , OR
• Participation in Intramurals
Student Activity Program { 6 / 30 / 23 }
A Student Activity is a college-sponsored , supervised activity and all students must participate in at least one per year .
Sport Activities Full-Year Activities
E-Sports ( Fall or Spring )
Cross Country
Student Cultural Awareness
AV Club
Chapel Band
Wing Night Team
College Store
Trial Period & Commitment Agreements { 7 / 14 / 11 } ALL students are required to commit to at least one ( 1 ) Williamson activity listed above . While students may commit to more than one activity , it should be noted that many activities overlap in either time or season and it is not feasible to do both . Questions about conflicts should be directed to the Student Affairs office . Typically , the first few weeks of the fall semester are considered a trial period for all student activities : students may enroll in an activity , evaluate it , and , if they choose , drop the activity without penalty . To aid students in deciding whether they want to commit to a particular activity , the college holds an Activities Night event early in the fall term .