Williamson President's Report 2024 Edition | Page 19

6th Scholarship Celebration Dinner Honors Scholarship Benefactors
The 6th Scholarship Celebration Dinner was held in April to honor the benefactors who have provided annual and endowed scholarships to Williamson students . The evening included donors and the students they are supporting eating dinner together and getting acquainted in the Rowan Hall dining room followed by remarks from several speakers . A special event of the evening was the presentation of a $ 500,000 check from the Justamere Foundation to endow their second scholarship . William Bonenberger 7W9 , board chairman , speaking as the keynote speaker and a trustee , said “ I cannot express in mere words how grateful and appreciative we are for the support of our donors and their support of our named scholarship program . I promise you we will never take it for granted and we will always
be frugal with its use .”
Mr . and Mrs . James J . Haley * Halter Landscaping Inc . Robert G . Hammaker 7W6 James L . Harker 5W9 Mr . and Mrs . John W . Harper 7W9 Jeffrey S . Harpster 8W6 Mark Harris Victoria Hartung Kelly Hassey Edward P . Hatchigian , Jr . 6W0 and Leah M . Hatchigian * Corey A . Helfgott 9W3 John H . Stallard 4W2 Family William J . Hensil 0W1 Robert W . Hepler 8W6 Robert H . Hermley , Jr . 0W2 Frederick M . Hess 7W0 Jonathan K . Hess 0W0 James J . Hipkins * Gary L . Hoffman 6W9 Richard S . Hollis 8W4 Catherine A . Holster Denise L . Hompe Robert P . Hopkins 7W2 Steven J . Hopkins 8W5 Horgan Building Co . Horn Brothers Leon Hosier 1W1 William M . Hovis 8W5 David F . Hudome 7W9 Jeffrey Hummel 9W5 Randall E . Hummel 7W2 Hugh A . Huntzinger Independence Property Services , LLC Lamik Inge 1W2
Ingersoll Rand Lawrence Innamorato Island Quality LLC Aaron Jackson 1W2 Mr . and Mrs . Corey A . Jackson 0W3 Yardly and Scott Jenkins JET Electrical Testing LLC JLL Mr . and Mrs . Dennis T . Johnson Johnson Matthey , Inc . Joule Equipment Services Mr . and Mrs . John Kalista Thomas P . Kane 9W8 Robert H . Keeler 8W0 * Mr . and Mrs . Richard D . Keiper 8W9 * Mr . and Mrs . Delbert W . Keiter 6W8 Kelly Stangl-Meddaugh and Aaron Keller Jason Keller 9W5 Jay Kellerman Edwin J . Kelley 9W6 Mr . and Mrs . Stephen P . Keough * JoAnne Kerr Shamar K . Kerr 2W3 Gena M . Kerrigan Karl L . Kimmel 6W8 * Mr . and Mrs . Mark J . King Kingsbury , Inc . Ruth I . Kinsey Kenneth Kissinger 8W5 Craig G . Klahr 7W6 Glenn F . Kline 6W3 † and Carol E . Kline David G . Klinger 7W5 Geoffrey Knight Annie A . Kohl †
John H . Koons 5W7 * Dennis M . Kozlowski 7W0 * Thomas G . Krall 7W6 Seth J . Kriebel Mr . and Mrs . Albert Kroll Jesse J . Kummerer 1W5 Tyler Kutchma 1W7 Duy Lam 0W5 Thelma M . Lamont Lang ' s Lawn Care Daniel J . LaPella 9W9 Joseph J . Laskowsky 6W7 George J . Latella 1W6 Laurel Hill Mr . and Mrs . Elwood A . Lebold 6W3 Michael R . Lebrun 0W7 Mr . and Mrs . Mark P . Ledger Gerard D . Leinenbach 7W8 Mr . and Mrs . Stephen R . Lentz 6W9 Mr . and Mrs . William P . Leon Mr . and Mrs . Barney T . Leonard John P . Lesky 7W7 Robert Levy Mr . and Mrs . Arthur R . Lewis * Richard W . Lewis 8W0 Kathleen Liberatore Liberty Tree and Landscape Management Terry A . Lieb 6W8 Carl H . Lingertot 5W7 * Mr . and Mrs . John R . Lloyd * Philip R . Lock 6W9 * Mr . and Mrs . Gerard Lohan Jeffrey R . Long 6W1 * Mr . and Mrs . Todd Long Kathy Lopiano Gary S . Lott 7W2
Mr . and Mrs . Jason Loux
Jacob MacCrone 1W3
Maco Painting , Inc .
Eugene N . Maffei 5W3 † and Dorothy
J . Maffei
Robert T . Magee 1W8
Francis Magrann 9W7
Brian F . Maguire 8W2
Mary Anne Mahin
Shawn M . Maholland 8W0
Mr . and Mrs . James F . Mahoney 7W7
Christopher M . Mallon 9W2
Diane T . Mankin
Karen A . Manley
Marie E . Manspeaker
Anthony V . Marascio 2W1
Mr . and Mrs . Walter J .
Marchewski 8W1
Antonio Marino 1W2
John P . Markunas
Mr . and Mrs . John Martynick
John Masciarelli
Steven Mason 1W3
Christopher Massey 1W4
Mark Matheny 0W3
Mr . and Mrs . Robert Mattox
David Maturo 1W1
Charles N . May 8W5 John P . McCandless 8W0 Brandi and Timothy McCarthy Keith P . McCarthy , Jr . 1W4 Mr . and Mrs . James D . McCaughey Michael A . McClellan 0W7 Zachary McCrea 1W4
Mr . and Mrs . Thomas J . McCrosson
Mr . and Mrs . Thomas S .
McCrosson 1W0
Lists reflect donations made between July 1 , 2023 and June 30 , 2024 17