Deceased Members
Edward W . Andersen 4W4 Edwin C . Ashton 3W9 and Cecilia Ashton Albert A . Astolfi Flynn L . Auchey , P . E . 5W8 J . Franklin Barrett 5W4 Walter W . Barto 3W1 Claire M . Bateman Peggy S . Beck Robert I . Becker 4W4 Charles H . Bilharz 4W0 Warren M . Boozer 4W1 Mr . and Mrs . Joseph L . Brugger 3W8 John F . Bubel 5W3 Elwood W . Buck 3W9 Franklin A . Burke 4W7 Bruce W . Burrell 5W4 Gerald H . Byrem 4W3 Charles H . Carothers 4W0 Ida P . Carter Joseph W . Champ 4W0 Allen F . Christman 5W0 Mr . & Mrs . Charles A . Clair 19W25 Wesley R . Clark 5W8 William A . Clark 3W8 John H . Clymer 5W2 James L . Coleman 4W1 Ellwood E . Collins 3W6 Henry C . Cresswell , Jr . Jewell Cymbaluk Jack F . Daniels 7W6 Stephen A . Del Grande 9W2 Mr . and Mrs . Frank P . Delich 4W8 William E . Derrick 3W9 Scott F . DeWire 8W2 George J . Dorando 7W5 Robert F . Dunlap 4W0 Norman K . Emerick 4W1 Mr . & Mrs . Gerald Enderlein 6W3 Mr . and Mrs . Charles J . Fisher , Sr . 4W1 Edward F . Fitzkee 4W3 Nevin E . Funk Mr . & Mrs . Everett N . Garrett 3W1 Richard E . Geiger 5W7 Frederick H . Gerkensmeyer 4W3 Edward R . Germer James Francis Gilmore 4W0 George H . Goodman 4W1 James E . Griffin 4W7 Trust Richard H . Grossmiller 5W7 Robert M . Gulick 4W0 Howard H . Halsey 4W3 Dorrance H . Hamilton William J . Harper 5W3 Leonard C . Hatzell 3W3 George F . Heckler 4W2 John G . Heibeck 5W1 Mr . & Mrs . Carl Hengen 3W2 Jacque P . Hepler 4W6 Richard A . Hesser 3W5 Mr . & Mrs . Robert Hirt 4W0 Herbert H . Hittner 4W7 Wilson Hixson
We believe in and support Williamson because its mission addresses one of America ’ s biggest problems — a lack of skilled tradesmen in our labor industry . Our country needs trained professionals in the industries that are the building blocks of our economy : land , labor , and capital . Williamson turns out these good people to strengthen our country and workforce . ”
Gerald P . and Joyce Kessler Friends of Williamson
Mr . and Mrs . Charles E . Hoch 4W7 Paul R . Hoffman 3W9 Leonard A . Huff 3W1 and Elsie Mae Huff Hildrey E . Hulstine James W . Humphrey 3W8 Philip Iatesta III 6W0 Estate of Ruth Ehrlen Irwin Norman A . Jacobs 4W3 Rufus Jacoby 3W2 Walter J . Janus 4W3 Edward G . Keebler 5W3 Kenneth E . King 4W4 Isaac A . Kirk 3W5 Mr . & Mrs . Louis B . Kirkland 19W29 Robert Kirkwood Earl F . Kleintop 4W7 William H . Klinedinst 3W7 George Knaefler 19W22 Monte L . Kopp 4W7 John F . Kostelac 3W8 George R . Krentz , Sr . 3W5 Mr . and Mrs . Watson Lapp Ferguston T . Bell 19W17 and Kathryn G . Lawrence Frederick W . Le Fevre 4W8 Stanton B . LeFever 3W9 Stanley A . Lehman 4W2 George D . Lentz 4W3 Raymond C . Little 3W5 John F . Lynch 4W3 Mr . & Mrs . John Majka 4W4 Ambrose R . Malenke 4W9 George McClellan 3W5
Ralph E . McCoy 19W19 Harry A . McHenry 6W2 Irvin P . McIntire 5W1 Clyde W . Meder 4W3 Howard L . Metz 4W7 Robert W . Miller 3W6 Arthur L . Miller 3W9 Richard N . Miller 6W7 Ralph H . Moyer 5W0 Paul F . Murray 4W1 William W . Olmstead Joseph G . Ondik 5W1 Rex Palmer 8W3 Mr . Allen A . Pennewill 5W3 Margaret R . Peterman Leonard H . Point 3W8 Mary Jane Porter David O . Price 4W4 Mr . & Mrs . Peter Prox 4W0 Dorothy R . Rairigh Mr . & Mrs . V . Howard Randall 19W23 Elwood P . Ream 3W5 Lloyd W . Rennix 5W1 Mr . & Mrs . Paul Restall Dr . & Mrs . James D . Rice 4W6 Louise Rice Stack Mr . and Mrs . Robert L . Richards 4W0 William W . Richards 3W9 Mr . & Mrs . Charles Richards Elwood G . Righter 6W0 Kent E . Ritchey 5W2 C . John Robbins 5W1 Carl R . Roeder 3W6
John Rudyk 5W4 Richard C . Sanders 5W3 Elmer H . Schick 5W6 Clarence W . Schrenk 4W9 Richard W . Schwertner Floyd O . Scott 4W0 Merl E . Sebright 4W0 Henry E . Selwitz 3W8 A . J . Shaneman Daniel N . Sharpe , Jr . 19W14 John W . Shuey 4W3 Walton H . Simpson 3W2 Mr . and Mrs . Oliver G . Smiley Thomas B . Smiley 4W6 Clark B . Smith 4W3 Mr . and Mrs . S . Blair Sponeybarger , Jr . 3W6 Glenn E . Stevick 4W0 Walter M . Strine , Sr . 19W29 Jerry W . Thoman 3W4 John R . Wanamaker Louise D . Wanamaker Wayne C . Watson 4W8 Reverend Lewis Watson 3W9 George J . Weaver 4W0 Charles H . Welker 3W7 Mr . & Mrs . Raymond E . Wien 4W2 John C . Williams 4W0 Derrell C . Wingard 3W9 Stephen M . Wojdylak 3W3 John C . Yenter , Sr . 19W08 Robert C . Ziegler 3W3 Donald G . Zimmerman 4W8 Donald W . Zipse 5W3
The Wanamaker Society list reflects planned gift commitments made prior to June 30 , 2023 . 7