William Wordsworth 3a | Página 2

He was born the 7th of April, in 1770. In Cockermouth, England. When he was eight years old his mother (Ann Cookson Wordsworth) died , and he represented his feelings in some of his works. After the death of his father (John) he studied at St. John´s College in Cambridge. But he wasn´t interested in studying. But he graduated in 1791. He decided to travel to France. Where he lived for a while . There he had a daughter , but he left France before she was born. He met the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1795, and they became friends. He traveled with him and with his sister, Dorothy, to America, where he wrote "The prelude", which it is thought to be his best work. Later, in 1802 he went back to France with her sister to visit his daughter, Caroline. That year he married Mary Hutchinson (that was a friend of his childhood), and he had five children with her. Unfortunately, two of them died in 1812.

He died in 1850, in England.

Important things of William Wordsworth´s life