Will you guess my masterpiece? | Page 13

Travelling museum is a project based on museums. The partner schools cooperate in order to make a series of collaborative activities and travel kits with museum objects made by students. The students will create an authentic material based on their research on museums, history and geography. The briefcases will travel around the countries. A museum school net will be created for future use.  Subjects: Cross Curricular, Environmental Education, Foreign Languages, Geography, History, History of Culture, Language and Literature, Mathematics / Geometry, Media Education, Music, Natural Sciences, Physical Education, Primary School Subjects, Religion, Technology  Languages: EN - FR  Pupil's age: 9 - 13  Tools to be used: Audio conference, Chat, e-mail, Forum, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Project Diary, Twinspace, Video conference, Virtual learning environment (communities, virtual classes, ...), Web publishing  Aims:  Getting to know the culture and civilization heritage among different countries, increasing students` motivation for studying History and Museums, developing skills in creating authentic material in order to share it with their peers, evaluating the products that students from different countries have created, using ICT and take advantage of virtual museum resources on the internet, improving communication skills in authentic environment, reading and speaking skills through integrating Geography and History and giving them the opportunity to find out the common base of humanity.  Work process: One school year: 2015-2016 (10 months, from September 2015 to June 2016)  Expected results: 1) Museum kits with copies of authentic museum exhibits, activities created by the students in order to be used by the peers from different countries, material for sharing for future use 2) Effective online communication between schools and collaboration for creating common outcomes 3) Decision making and problem solving 4) Entrepreneurial skills 5) Creative use of ICT (ebooks, presentations, real-time exercises and quizes, creation of a museum school net) 6) Learn how to evaluate peer work 7) Web site of the project for future use of other schools