No doubt about it, acquiring platinum can sometimes be hard and time-consuming.
While completely optional, some of the following addons provide big quality of life
improvements, and can make tasks like crafting a whole lot faster and easier!
Commodity Stats
ver happened to be doing
It is recommended to scan at least
icon on the right, just below the
once a day as prices can vary.
“sell items” tab. You can further
customize the addon by setting
dailies and an item drops?
The only downside: It
You’re curious to know how much
it sells on the commodity exchange
doesn’t function with the
(CEX), but not feeling like going to
a set amount to undercut, or by
percent for both bid and buyout.
Auction House… yet.
Thayd or Illium to pricecheck?
This simple addon adds one extra
This addon is a big time saver if
feature to the mailbox: “Take All”!
you tend to post auctions often. It will
automatically undercut the lowest
It does exactly what it sounds
auction with the click of a button.
like: click the button, and it’ll
With Commodity Stats, you will
You can even have it set to disable
open all your mail, collecting all
be able to see all top buy and sell
the sell and cancel confirmations.
gold and items in the process.
orders in your tooltip wherever,
The option menu is accessible
and whenever you want!
A new button will also appear on
the CEX window: “Scan all data”.
Note: This feature is actually
within the auction house window.
being added in the default UI
Simply click on the little wrench
in Drop 4, but in the form of a
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