another addon author (the names
your addons folder,
might change). Some addons might
and you’re done!
even be implemented in the default
UI in future patches, and thus not
The short way:
necessary to have installed anymore. provides a
client that will install the
will need to type /reloadui and
hit enter to reload your UI.
Hit ‘Esc’ -> Addons ->
Select the addon from the
list. If the status indicator is
green, you are good to go!
Wait. How do you install
addons automatically for you, as
Otherwise, click “Change
long as you download them from the
Load Rules”, and select “Load
Curse website. It will also track and
Addon”. Click the Reload UI
The long way:
notify you when addons need to be
button on the bottom right
updated, which saves a lot of time.
and it should load right up!
all these addons?
WildStar in the address bar.
2. Create a folder called
“addons” if it doesn’t
Now, how do I customize
settings and options, some
addons in-game?
addons will have their own
already exist.
3. Download the addon (it usually
As for accessing the addon’s
First, make sure the addon is
buttons appear on the left-hand
comes in a .zip file). Drag the
loaded. If you installed the addon
side under the options menu
folder inside the zip file into
while having WildStar open, you
(Esc). If there isn’t, almost all
addons have a slash command
to access its options panel. Refer
to the addon description on that
addon’s webpage on
That’s it! Happy addon hunting!
By Nadine Tawney
WildStar Community Magazine
The GameOn Magazine // 31