Ellias: Since the Wildstar
First of all, can you tell us what
Our long-term goal with
Magazine is a “community”
Thaydfest is and what roles you two
ThaydFest is to get different guilds
magazine, I felt that we needed to
played in organizing this event?
or circles to sponsor different events
- so for example a PvP guild might
showcase significant events that
the community put together.
Nephele: Sure! Let’s start
with what ThaydFest is.
RP guild might do an RP event. But,
since this was the first time, most of
I’m a contributor to the
magazine as a fan and member
run a duelling competition, or an
ThaydFest is basically a big
of the Wildstar community, and I
community showcase - the idea was
jumped at the opportunity to give
in people from all over the server
at a large-scale event like this.
for a series of different events.
Black Dagger Society and our allies.
to have a day where we could pull
readers a behind-the-scenes look
the events ended up being run by the
As far as roles go, I was the
main planner and organizer for
ThaydFest. I basically handled
WildStar Community Magazine
The GameOn Magazine // 13