modes, similar to Warrior stances
Somewhere between a classic
the old-school massive DPS builds
and increase the; assault stat and
hunter/ranger class and Guild
of past MMORPGs, the Warrior
resistances stats, respectively.
Wars 2 style engineer. Electrocute
While technically not belonging to
is still the most recognisable of
Roles and Main Stats:
does massive amounts of
the classes. It is a combination
DPS: Finesse, Brutality, Moxie.
sustained damage and their bot’s
of its traditional namesake and a
Tank: Tech, Grit, Insight.
AI is excellent; like Esper’s Geists,
Engineer’s bots take plenty of
Jedi Knight of the Old Republic.
Your skill/ability rotation, while
simple, needs to take advantage of
Engineers are probably the
second-most unique class.
aggro which helps with tanking,
making them almost unstoppable.
the professional ability often and
the Warrior offers heavy armor
and Great-sword for excellent
tanking and hard-hitting burst
power. Cooldowns are short;
which helps make this one of the
easier classes for beginners.
Class Ability: Volatility (a
resource used for powerful
attacks and abilities). Also there
is the Eradication and Provocation
WildStar Community Magazine
The GameOn Magazine // 7