Many of us have had the privilege of playing Wildstar since launch, enjoying some
of the most exciting adventures and tactical content since the dawn of MMOs.
e have had some
and the economy. With the reset
look for news and updates that
of the best people
goes live, it will be the re-launch of
have been announced by Carbine.
working on a game
Wildstar; a chance to do everything
to make it a better experience
exactly right this time. If you have
The Reboot
for us as a community. Like any
never watched a Nexus Report, you
Drop 3 on final approach and
new MMO, this game is still in
should. Although it is a tad on the
landing on a desktop near you. Drop
its infant stage, and it has a lot of
long side, they are always giving out
3 will be the icing on the cake after
room to grow into a game that can
information that will be affecting
the server reboot. It will be massive
completely set itself aside from
us in the near future. The Wildstar
compared to any other patch that
any other MMO that is currently
forums are also a great place to
WildStar has launched to date.
in the mainstream. With a great
development team, they have been
able to eliminate over 4,000 bugs
since launch, and that is a daunting
task if you stop to think about it
Reloaded is a word that you can
really sink your teeth into. With the
propagation of the Megaservers
coming Wednesday, October 15th,
we can look forward to a complete
reset of th e game, name changes,
48 // WildStar Community Magazine
The GameOn Magazine