boss puts you straight out of your
you create your character. You’ve got
comfort zone. For some, this will
a choice of four: Soldier, Explorer,
put them off dungeons but for
Scientist or Settler. Each dictates
the most part, I believe it will only
how you like to play an MMO and
push players harder and they’ll
helps you to play in that manner.
consequently have a lot more fun.
Everyone knows that that vast
majority of MMORPGs are kill and
fetch quests. These can get quite
repetitive over time and the Paths
This point isn’t really a huge one,
help to break them up. If you’re the
but it’s worth noting nevertheless.
sort of person that really enjoys the
In many MMOs, if you attack a mob,
killing quests, choose the Soldier.
it’s yours. You will get the reward
If you prefer to get in with the lore
and the XP. In WildStar, if you hit
and immerse yourself, choose
a mob and then somebody comes
the Scientist. If you’re more like
to help, you both get the same
me and like to have a little bit of a
rewards. This promotes a much
roam every now and then, choose
more helpful environment for the
the Explorer and if you prefer
players to venture in because,
to help out strangers on your
instead of racing around trying to
adventure, choose the Settler.
it, you can’t use your heals! This
beat all the other users to the mobs,
makes for a much more intense,
you’re all helping each other out. I’ve
enjoyable, engaging, frustrating,
had some of my most epic fights in
new element into the game and
and rewarding experience.
the open world when three or four
breaks up the potent