works. Instead, you have to be
your own plot of land within the
you rank up your professions,
constantly moving around, avoiding
game. Once you hit level 14, you
it’s also a lot of fun building it
the enemies’ area of effect attacks
are given the plot and then it’s up
up into something amazing.
and, in turn, hitting them with yours.
to you what you do with it. On your
It’s a blank canvas, go nuts!
land, you have one main building in
This adds a whole new level
the centre and then seven smaller
of challenge into the mix. When
sections surrounding it. The main
I play an MMO, I tend to watch
building acts as a house (it’s a big
something on my secondary
building) and the smaller sections
screen; with WildStar, if I do that,
can have useful things like a garden
amazingly l337 you are than putting
I’m usually dead pretty quickly.
or a crafting station bought for them.
a rotating globe on the front of your
You have to concentrate and stay
engaged which is something
What better way to show off how
hog? No, I don’t mean motorbike, I
Now this may not seem like a
mean pig. In WildStar you can collect
Another thing you’ve most likely
seen or heard of is that you manage
lot, and you may even be thinking
Flairs which add, well, flair to your
that it sounds incredibly ‘casual’ to
mount! Once you find/purchase/are
be maintaining a garden in a game
given one flair, it will be accessible
instead of blasting the faces off the
across all of your current and future
enemy but you’d be very, very wrong
you learn pretty quickly!
mounts, so there’s no tedious
to think that. Not only is this plot
grind to find the same one seven
of land incredibly useful in helping
times for all of your mounts!
WildStar Community Magazine
The GameOn Magazine // 15