Wildfire May 2012 | Page 5

Catalyst Festival 25th - 28th May 2012 • A weekend for Newfrontiers churches, held at Stoneleigh NAC, nr Coventry. • Activities for all the family. • Brochures and booking forms available in August. Finding Treasure - By Justyn Pride I’ve come to realise, recently, how life in the Kingdom of God is full of wonderful truths that in one way appear to oppose each other, but in fact need to be held in healthly tension. An example of this is when you read the Parable of the Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10), and the Parable of the Pearl of Great Value (Matt 13:45-46). One is about a widow (God) searching for the lost coin (you and me) until it is found. The other is about how someone (you and me before knowing Jesus) finds a pearl of great prize (the good news about Jesus) and sells everything in order to go and buy it. The coin is lost and is sought out, the other is stumbled across and everything given up for it. The reality is that both truths are correct. God is searching for lost coins, and those that are lost can find the great prize unexpectedly. It is with these truths in mind that we are looking to pursue two ‘go’ activities (over the coming months). Firstly, there will be Treasure Hunting which is when we partner with God’s treasure clues (words of knowledge) to find the lost treasure of people out on the street and then bring the kingdom of God into their lives by praying for them. This could be for physical or emotional healing, a break through of some kind or whatever their needs are. The first date for the Treasure Hunt is the 9th June in Matlock. Details on how to get involved will be communicated in the newsletter 3_Alpha.indd 1 and on the website. The second activity will be the relaunch of Alpha at the end of September. The course will be hosted in Sheldon, with the simple aim of ‘Invite a friend for dinner’. The Alpha Course worldwide has seen phenomenal success and we have seen many make life changing commitments through previous courses. We want to start building evangelistic momentum through this course, but starting with one location and doing it well. Please pray about who you might want to ‘invite to dinner’, and whether you could be involved practically through helping with the regular prayer support, food preparation, serving or venue setup. If you are interested in helping please talk to Gill Harper or Justyn Pride. INVITE A FRIEND FOR DINNER Starts September Treasure Hunting 18/04/2011 12:0 June 9th July 7th August 4th September 1st Meet 9:30am at the Riverside, Matlock Page 5