Wildcraft Magazine July 2017 | Page 11

Different Staff Members are good at different things. Today we're going to look at what they all are good for. Who should you talk to about a feature, who should you report bugs to? Let's find out.

1. Nexlemav

Nex is the owner of the server. He's the big boss. Most of the time he is the one to report a bug to. He's also good for asking about what future updates are coming up. He's as natural leader. If you have a disagreement on rules or something, he can settle them.

2. Cloaked_Mage64

Cloaky is one of the people we don't know very well. He's often working with nex on broken plugins or what have you. If someone is griefing your land or if you need to get a message to nex while he's offline, Cloaky is the way to go. We're always wanting to know more about this cloaked fellow, if you know something about him, let us know!

3. SleepySparks

Sparks, also known as Sparky or Colorcat, is the newest staff member. She is always a helping hand and a good person to talk to. If you are having a problem with a bug or crashed plugin, she can often help you do whatever it is you can't do because of the problem. She's understanding and not afraid to tell you when you're wrong, or doing wrong.

4. PhulishOne

Phul is one of my favorite staff members. If you want to request a feature, he's often the one to go through. He's also helpful if you need something done with staff perks, you can often pay him to do it as long