Wildcat Weekly Wildcat Weekly: Volume 04 Issues 01-32 (2015-2016) | Page 9

Washington Early Childhood Center Sheila Bradley : Principal

We Are One , We Are WECC
I ' m excited about a new school year as Principal of WECC . Our students , faculty , and staff are very excited about a new adventure . I am very excited about the new and improved play area that we will be getting soon .
Cruising Kye enjoying his ride in the halls .
I would like to welcome our new staff : Joy Angton , Dora Campos , Heidi Fox , Teri Gaines , and Tyrhonda Williams . Our campus is very excited to have all of our new staff and students at WECC . This is where it all begins .
WECC had a smooth transition into the new school year with 221 headstart / pre-k and daycare students .
Mrs . Shirley and Mrs . Blank with students ready for lunch
Reading Skills
Students working hard on reading skills in Mrs . Campbell ’ s library class .
Center Time
Mrs . Carrizales ’ class is working with manipulatives in centers .