The Kik Kat Drill Team has been working hard to prepare dances for the 2016 football season. They've endured hundreds of stretches, kicks, and much memorization, but the girls have proven themselves more than capable of it all. All of this hard work is to show the Wildcat spirit.
Friday night shows do not begin at 7:30 p.m. The preparation begins way before, spending long hours practicing on the field and memorizing dances all for a three-minute drill at halftime. Kik Kats begin their practice schedule several weeks before school starts in the summer. Once school is back in session, they practice Monday thru Thursday, 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Their strenuous cardiovascular workouts prepare them physically for the upcoming show.
The band, cheerleaders, and drill team all help set the mood to support the football team. One visit to an awesome Wildcat pep rally, where the adrenaline is greater than ever, will convince anyone that the Wildcat Pride is alive and well in Palestine. At the pep rallies, the Kik Kats pump up the crowd and get them into the right spirit for all the festivities. It’s evident that school spirit is abundant because the Kik Kats bring enthusiasm everywhere they go.
When the bell rings to dismiss class on Fridays, it is time for the drill team to start the countdown for that night's show. The rush for getting ready begins with the uniform, makeup, and poms for a long night ahead. Before the game, the Kik Kats form a victory line at the spirit tunnel for the Wildcat football team to run through. During the game, the Kik Kats perform stand dances to the tunes of the Palestine Marching Band. The night closes at the stadium when the band plays the school song and the Kik Kats, football team, cheerleaders, and fans sing along.