Wildcat Connection September 2019 | Page 14

his month I have continued to meet people who live in the different communities of the Wildcat District, and learn about the interests and needs within those communities. I had the opportunity to help Katie and Barbra check in baked goods that 4-H members had made at the Inter-State Fair in Coffeyville, and help out with the cattle show during the fair this month.

I received many questions related to pond management throughout the month of August. Which led to going on a few field visits to look at ponds and identify what type of aquatic weeds where growing in a pond. The specific questions people had related to their pond varied somewhat, but most were regarding either blue-green algae or aquatic weeds. Both blue-green algae and aquatic weeds are common issues associated with ponds during this time of year due to a combination of increased temperatures, decreased water movement in the pond, and an increase in runoff water from rain entering the pond from nearby fields and/or roads. Thankfully the people who called with questions regarding blue-green algae in their ponds had not had any animals that had been affected by it.

The end of the month I will be traveling to Manhattan for my first orientation training on campus, and to meet with my mentor. I look forward to the opportunity to learn more about the extension system in Kansas and to gain skills and knowledge that I can use to serve the Wildcat District. As part of my new agent orientation I have been interviewing people who are actively involved in their community. This has been a great way to become more familiar with the different communities and what these individuals feel that the strengths and weaknesses of their community are, as well as learn about what the interests and needs these communities have. From these interviews, I have not only gained a better understanding of the different communities, but I have also gained ideas and insight about how I can serve these communities through outreaches and educational programs in the future.

As I look forward to September and the beginning of fall, September will include attending Farm Bill meetings and beginning to plan educational programs. From the number of questions related to pond management I received throughout the month, I am looking into planning a workshop on pond management to hold sometime next year.