Wildcat Connection May 2020 | 页面 20

lthough the face to face interactions have stopped, K-State Research and Extension it seems has somehow increased its outreach. Webinars, videos, radio, video conferences, news column, and newsletters have all increased and, possibility because people just have more time now, so has community response to extension resources. In uncertain times, perhaps people turn to sources that they know are reliable, sources like K-State Extension.

Besides working from home, April has been fairly normal with lots of soil tests and producer calls as we get into the planting season. Corn planting was delayed by a couple of weeks from normal by wet soils and then a late cold snap. Wheat in southeast Kansas fortunately missed any cold damage, but most wheat is slightly ahead of schedule this year, and farmers need to make their fungicide decisions soon. The soils are warming up fast so long season soybean planting is not far away. Beyond the normal radio (some of which had to change to a distance format) and news columns, some short educational videos have also been added to the media mix. My mushroom growing video was perhaps a little long at nearly 20 minutes but was a fun addition. In the works now are shorter videos on beekeeping and wheat fungus identification.

Someday life will mostly return to normal and we can start hosting programs and meeting the community in person. In preparation there are a couple of programs in the works. If possible when the time comes, we are planning a Pickle Party Workshop for mid-July where participates will learn how to properly and safety pickle some pickles, including some not-so-normal pickled watermelon rimes. We will also learn how to safely ferment sauerkraut and kimchi. Although not until December, there is also an Interstate Ag Conference being planned between Wildcat District, Cherokee County, and Missouri Extension.

While you can’t shake our hands, Wildcat Extension is still as connected as ever and as busy as the bees in spring putting out new content.