Wildcat Connection June 2018 | Page 20

Keith Martin

Livestock Production

Forage Production

ay started off with Beef and Forage Field day at the Southeast Research & Extension Center in Parsons. This was an excellent program with a good turnout. I made some new contacts at this meeting.

I attended the Living on the Land meeting in Pittsburg; excellent presentations in my opinion.

I participated in the SE Ag Agents professional development tour to Iowa March 15 - 17. Highlights for me were touring Vermeer, Pioneer, Kemin Industries and the Henry Wallace Research Center, near Atlantic. To me this tour emphasized the need for an increased emphasis of STEM education.

As part of my mass media efforts, I was on KGGF twice. My article for this month was on controlling Musk Thistles, it appeared in High Plains Journal, I got a call from a gentleman in western Nebraska that read it. In addition to my weekly radio recordings I was a guest on the "KSRE Extension Files" podcast which highlights the role of extension agents. It will be edited and released later.

I also did several soil test recommendations and did numerous consultations as well as prepared for upcoming events.


Blackberry Control

Musk Thistle Control